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Does PETG Give Off Fumes?

Does PETG Give Off Fumes? | 3D Printing Spot

Updated by

William Stone


January 25, 2023

The popularity of 3D printing with PETG cannot be ignored, but safety precautions must be taken. You should know it works and whether it gives off fumes too.

Without the proper research and understanding, you could fail to set up your 3D printing area safely and efficiently. Once you realize what PETG is and what happens when it is printing, you can determine the next steps to take.

PETG does give off any fumes when heated during the 3D printing process. This means that you should take proper precautions before printing and be careful with ventilation where you use your printer. However, the fumes are not dangerous or toxic so you have nothing to worry about.

3D printing involves the use of different types of thermoplastic filaments to create prints and various objects. PETG is mainly used because it has a high heat resistance and excellent chemical resistance, but it does give off fumes while printing. This guide tells you more about PETG, its printing fumes, and whether it is safe.

Being an expert in the world of 3D printing, we have tested many different filaments to understand how they perform. This includes PETG and all of the data and information is discussed below to help you understand better too.

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Does PETG Give Off Fumes?

When you are using PETG to create 3D prints, you should expect to see fumes during the process. This is because it is a thermoplastic polymer known as polyethylene terephthalate glycol and when temperatures rise, it causes the material to give off fumes.

It is not uncommon to experience some concern when seeing these fumes when handling heated filaments, but you should know it is completely normal. In fact, PETG is used in many materials you handle daily too.

For this reason, it is considered the safest overall 3D printing filament and it is recommended by many experts in the industry. Because these fumes can still occur, the best practice is to ensure you are 3D printing in a room with plenty of ventilation.

The other great thing about PETG is the added layer of adhesion, low shrinkage property, and odorless composition. Because of these factors, it can withstand higher temperatures well but you can still expect it to give off fumes during any 3D printing activities.

Are PETG Fumes Toxic Or Dangerous To Inhale?

PETG is a type of plastic that has been widely used in the manufacturing of products such as food packaging, drink bottles, and toys. It is also used in 3D printing to create highly complex objects and projects.

PETG filaments are the most popular filament used in 3D printing. It is a thermoplastic polymer that can be easily heated with a heat gun. And because of its materials, any fumes it gives off are completely safe.

The reason PETG is so safe is because of the chemical composition that includes polyethylene, terephthalate, and glycol. None of these materials contain anything toxic and when combined, they create a safe to use thermoplastic.

While PETG fumes are not toxic when inhaled, they can irritate you if you spend too much time with these fumes. There are also some potential health risks related to the particles and microplastics that can be released during the 3D printing process too.

Is It Safe To 3D Print PETG Indoors?

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that can be used to make all kinds of things, but proper precautions must be taken. It is absolutely a safe process to do indoors but ventilation and air quality are critical.

The main components of PETG are polyethylene glycol and terephthalic acid. The two chemicals are combined to create a three-dimensional polymer that is then extruded into a filament form. The resin is safe to use and has no known toxicity or health effects.

There are many ways to ventilate your 3D printing room too. One of the most advanced methods is by building an airtight enclosed area with carbon filters. But the average 3D printer user does not have this access, so there are other simple methods too.

How To Limit PETG Fumes While Using Your Printer

After using a 3D printer for a while, you may notice that it can emit a smell and an odor. This is because the plastic filament used in 3D printing heats up and releases fumes and an odor. But PETG is completely odorless, unlike other filaments.

However, if you do not have the proper setup the fumes can still overwhelm you along with the release of particles that occur with every filament type. These particles are known as thermoplastics that can escape from the nozzle of your printer while it is being used.

You can use one or more of the following methods to help limit your PETG fumes while using your printer. It will also help with the thermoplastics to create a better and safer 3D printing environment.

3D Printer Air Extractor

The fumes from the PETG filament can be annoying, but there are ways to limit them. One way is by using a 3D printer air extractor. This piece of equipment will suck in the hot air fumes that are released from the printer and replace them with cool and clean air.

You even have the option to purchase an air extractor with a thermostat included so the desired temperature can be set. This would allow you to keep the heat and temperature levels lower or higher depending on your preference.

Use An Air Purifier

Air purifiers are not just for your home or office, but for your 3D printing room as well. They work by using a HEPA filter to remove particles with a size of 0.3 microns from the air you breathe. This ensures that you are not breathing in any harmful particles while working on your 3D prints.

When choosing an air purifier, it must have multiple filters so that they don’t clog easily. This can help limit any negative health effects related to excessive exposure to harmful microplastics or fumes emitted by 3D printers.

Open Your Windows & Doors

This may seem obvious, but it is best to only use your 3D printer in an area with windows and doors that can be opened for better ventilation. In most cases, this is enough to limit fumes enough for many printer users.

However, as the volume of prints increases, it will become even more essential to create better ventilation. By having a window in your printing room, you always have the option to open it for better ventilation to get rid of fumes or excessive heat too.

How Does PETG Fumes Compare To Other Filaments?

PETG filaments have a high melting point, which makes them easier to print with and also creates less warping when it is printed. It can also easily be extruded and heated up quickly, allowing it to generate prints more consistently.

Because of this, PETG has become one of the most popular materials for 3D printing. But how does it compare PLA and ABS with giving off fumes during the printing process?


PLA and PETG are two of the most popular 3D printer filament materials. They have similar properties and can be used in a variety of applications. They are both considered extremely safe and the fumes they emit are not toxic.

PETG tends to give off fewer fumes during the printing process compared to PLA. This is because it has much better chemical resistance and heat resistance, resulting in a higher melting point and faster printing speeds.


PETG filaments have been used for 3D printing for a long time now. It is considered much safer than ABS filaments because they are flexible and have a cleaner chemical composition with much more pleasant fumes, odors, and results.

When printing with ABS, you will notice much harsher smells and violent fumes that are not safe for breathing. It is best to allow your ABS to print in a different room than you because the particle emission is extreme too.

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Does PETG Give Off Fumes?


William Stone

William Stone

William has spent 20 plus years in the custom manufacturing industry as a COO, CEO and Owner of various custom product businesses. His experience has exposed him to all types of manufacturing from die cast, die struck, injection molding, CNC machining, laser etching, engraving and of course 3D printing.

Learn more about William Stone

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